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Last day to enter online2025-03-14
Places Remaining44



The 2nd Bristol League Rapidplay Championship

will be held on

Saturday 15th March

At the St Michael's Centre, North Road, Stoke Gifford, BS34 8PD

The Venue

St Michael’s Centre has excellent transport links, being 3-4 minutes walk from Bristol Parkway Station.

Details of transport links can be found here!

Additional free parking can be found in front of the old Parkway Tavern pub, turn left just past the Beaufort Arms Pub (Hatchet Lane) and the entrance is on the left at the bottom of the road – there are around 40 spaces. Please do not park in the Beaufort Arms car park, as penalties will apply.

There is a cafe at the venue, which will be open until 2pm.


SectionOpenMajor U1800Minor U1500
Entry Fee£21 (£36 (£27 for Juniors) Bronze or non ECF members)£21 (£36 (£27 for Juniors) Bronze or non ECF members)£21 (£36 (£27 for Juniors) Bronze or non ECF members)
First Prize£150£150£150
Second Prize£100£100£100
Third Prize£50£50£50

Note: Unrated players in the rated sections are only eligible to win 50% of any prize money and no competitor may win more than one prize.

Entry Fees

All entrants are required to be members of the English Chess Federation (ECF) at Gold level or above. Note that this applies irrespective of the FIDE nationality of the player. Bronze or non-members will pay an additional 'Pay-to-Play' fee of £15.00 (£6 for Juniors) on top of the basic entry fee of £21.00.

All entrants must have a FIDE Identification Number at the time of submitting their entry, unless they wish their FIDE nationality to be England.

Non-English players will have to obtain a FIN from their national federation in good time prior to the tournament otherwise you cannot enter.

All players without a FIDE Identification Number (FIN) will have an ENG one created at the time the rating files are submitted to FIDE. Should you wish to obtain and ENG FIN prior to the event details can be found here!

Please note: At the time of writing, changing nationality later costs a minimum of 50 Euros.

Chess-Results Event Page appears here


Please note that Entries are only valid when the payment has been processed.

Unrated players will be requested to provide evidence of their playing strength/past grade or rating to enter them in the suitable section - The organiser reserves the right to change the section of player/s or withdraw them

Refunds will be processed on the following basis:

- Before 10th March £5 admin fee deducted; 100% refund on remaining money paid

- 10th – 14th March £5 admin fee deducted; 50% refund on remaining money paid

- 15th March No refund

The Organiser reserves the right to refuse an entry, or transfer an entry to another section, without explanation.

In the event of a dispute, the decisions of the Organiser and/or Chief Arbiter will be final in all matters.

Players agree that their rating information being published on the ECF and FIDE websites.

The Chief Arbiter is empowered to expel any person who shows dissent by word or action towards an arbiter, or any member of staff connected with the tournament or venue.

The submission of an entry form and payment of the entry fee denotes acceptance of the tournament’s terms and conditions.

The event is limited to 100 players

Rate of Play

Each player will have 15 Minutes plus a 5 Second Increment from start

Playing Schedule

Please aim to arrive by 10:00 - 10:15 am to allow a prompt start to the first round.

Round 1: 10:30

Round 2: 11:30

Round 3: 12:30

Round 4: 14:00

Round 5: 15:00

Round 6: 16:00

Round 7: 17:00

Planned Finish : 18:00


Each room at the venue is accessible through using lifts and ramps. Doors and corridors are wide enough for standard wheelchairs. Players with accessibility requirements should contact the Organiser about any special requirements they may have. Such requirements will be catered for wherever possible.


Eligibility for sections will be based on following order:

ECF RAPIDPLAY RATING (March 2025) – A or K categories only; failing that

FIDE RAPIDPLAY RATING (March 2025 – Full rating)

ECF STANDARDPLAY RATING (March 2025) – A or K categories only; failing that

Where a player has none of these, the organisers will assign an estimate based on all available data on a case-by-case basis, failing which the player will be assigned a rating of 0.


The place prizes in all sections will be awarded to the player scoring the most points. There will be no tie-breaks applied, and in the event of a tie on points, the prize money will be shared equally between all tied players.

Should players eligible for the Bristol Championship be on equal points, the award of the trophy will be resolved by direct encounter, if this produces a tie then the sum of progressive scores will be used.

Full prize lists for each section will be published online as soon as possible after the end of the tournament. The event organisers will contact all prize winners as soon as possible to arrange for the payment of the prizes by bank transfer. No player can win more than one prize and, other than in the Open, a player without a rating cannot win more than 50% of any prize they are eligible for.

Pairings, Byes & Default Time

All pairings will be done using 'Swiss Manager' software and displayed on Chess-Results.com

One half Point bye may be requested for Rounds 1 to 6 (or a request may be cancelled) either:

- At the time of entry, or

- At any point before the pairings are published for each round.

Where the pairings are published as soon as they are available, the request should be made no later than the conclusion of the last game in the round being played. Such requests should be made to the Chief Arbiter at the tournament.

Default time is 15 minutes and no repairing will take place. If a player does not show up for a round without informing the Organising/Arbiting Team in time, then the player shall be excluded from the tournament for all the remaining rounds automatically. Reinstatement of the excluded player will be at the discretion of the Organiser / Chief Arbiter.

Fair Play Regulations

To comply with FIDE regulations - All mobile phones and electronic devices, including smart watches, must be switched-off at all times in the Playing Hall. They should be put either face-down on the playing table, in the players coat on the back of the chair, or in a bag under the desk that must not be moved whilst games are in play. If it is evident that during play, a player’s device is not turned off or a player has such a device on their person or has had access to any such device, the player shall be defaulted & will lose the game

Any spectators (Players are classified as spectators after finishing their games), parents and others who may enter the Playing Hall must also have their mobile phones / electronic devices switched-off at all times


Photographs may be taken on the day by the organiser for publicity purposes. Parents and visitors, but not players, may take photographs during the first couple of minutes of Rounds 1 & 4, where you choose to use a mobile it must be on silent and then turned off once the photographs have been taken. If you object to this then please inform the Organiser, in writing, no later than the day before the tournament.

Behaviour, Parental Supervision and Disclaimers

Please treat the premises with respect and follow all signs and rules as requested

A high standard of behaviour and respect for others and property is always expected. Players entering or leaving the Playing Hall while other games are in progress should do so quietly

The Organisers and Arbiters are unable to act "in loco parentis" for children. Parents/guardians/carers are responsible for their children throughout the entire duration of this event.

The organisers accept no responsibility for any damage, theft or accident to the person or property of any competitor, family member or visitor at this event.

Personal data is held solely for the purposes of our events. This is for administration and to inform you of future chess events. We share some data with the English Chess Federation and FIDE for rating purposes. Results, ratings and photos may be used on social media pages or in publicity unless informed otherwise. Please message the Organiser if needed