
High Priority Issues

  • FIXED WITH NEW HOST: Sending of mass emails is slow and there is a limit of 1000 per day for the whole system and a limit on the number sent per hour. The system needs moving to a new host to fix this,
  • FIXED WITH NEW HOST: Occasionally some things ( including the rating load ) fail with an error message "Mysql has gone away" - this can only be fixed by changing a parameter which my host provider will not change, and is another reason for moving to a new host.
  • POSSIBLY FIXED: If the user clicks on the link to take them back after payment, they might get this error message "Notice: Undefined index: business in PayPalPaymentPPSPaymentMethodController::PayPalValidateIPNVariables() (line 84 of /home/lnvs5xbe00tb/public_html/drupal-7.91/sites/all/modules/contrib/paypal_payment/paypal_payment_pps/includes/PayPalPaymentPPSPaymentMethodController.inc)."
    I have no idea how to stop it!
  • It should force you to enter a first name if you press the Lookup Player button
  • The functionality for using an alternative rating for an unrated player is not working. For example, it used to do things like use the national rating for unrated players in a FIDE event instead of the FIDE rating. Or use standard rating if no rapid/allegro. At the moment it either uses the rating for the section or the one specified by the organiser in "assigned rating" if they have done so.
  • When someone enters a congress and gets their email wrong ( for example putting 2 ls in gmaill! ), or you try to send a mass email to previous congress entrants and their email does not work any more, then I get a mail delivery error sent to donotreply@congress.org.uk. But I don't have time to respond to all these. Possible solutions are - someone else volunteers to do something with these or we create a separate email forwarder for every congress to they get the email delivery errors, but then someone has to set up these forwarding rules and I need help with that. Also it might be possible to report errors to the organiser who is sending the mass email.
  • The reports tab is incorrectly applying paypal fees to bank transfer entries in PENDING status. Also it might be possible to get the actual paypal fees from the payments, rather than assuming a rate.
  • For a FIDE rated event the system tries to look up the player in both rating lists. This can result in two entries on the selection list, one from each rating list. There are 2 problems - sometimes this is not working - example Roy Ludlow 264960D. Also it tries to put the FIDE FIN in the ecf rating code field which does not work for large FINs.
  • The Admin tab shows a different rating to the Entrants tab. Example Blackpool : Paul Kelly (Intermediate) shows as 1843 in the Admin tab, but 1809 in the entrants tab. (Jan Standard rating)
  • Should the rating chosen for the section be in the Swiss Manager Rating_Nat or Rating_Int fields ? or does it not matter?
  • The selection list presented to a player to select themselves from the rating list does not show the rating used for the section they have selected which can cause confusion. This is partly because they may not have selected the section yet.
  • It would be good if the important files for running an event, such as the Swiss Manager files could be backed up somewhere else automatically just in case the web site should be unavailable.

Possible future enhancements:

  • Change one of the 2 late entry fee options into an early entry discount ( could have both possibilities by have a negative fee resulting in a rewording of the penalty into a discount )
  • The system sends an email to the person entering when either it has got their payment from paypal or the organiser has approved it, or the organiser has used the Resend Emails button in the admin tab. The wording should be slight different in each case, so the user knows what has happened. ( the Resend button could have options on it to send the different wording )
  • When the system sends an email out to the entrant when they pay, the reply-to address is currently the first in the comma separated list specified in the congress setup - is this what it should do ?
  • When sending mass emails it might be possible to detect failures due to invalid email addresses and report these back so that those people could be removed from the mailing list.
  • Support for PayPal Complete Payments it comes with a special rate of 1.2% + 30p on card transactions.
  • explore implementing in terms of "Current Rating based fees" is as per following Table (to keep things simple, no refunds needed if ratings increase ahead of tournament) :

    FIDE / ECF Rating U1550 U1950 Open
    Unrated/ *P_Rated £50 £60 £70
    1000-1549 £40 £50 £60
    1550-1949 X £40 £50
    1950 & above X X £40

  • Don't show the age prompt if we already have a FIN or they are on the grading list.
  • Enhancements to the entry form - eg search by rating code / PNUM, and anthony finding tony etc. Make it clearer that the fields populated by the lookup player button can't be filled in manually
  • If the ECF database does not have someone's FIN in a FIDE event, they get two versions of themselves in the selection list: one with a FIN and no ECF code, and one with an ECF code and no FIN - possibly it should let them enter their FIN if they know it ?
  • Option to pay via Stripe instead of Paypal
  • Have an easy way of uploading an entry form and automatically having a link to it on the congress home page
  • Force people to select a section ( by having non selected initially ) so they are less likely to enter the wrong one.
  • If the system knows if they are a member or not. then they shouldn't need to select that they are ( or at least it should warn them if they haven't )
  • Allow organisers to upload and resize images to 100 pixels high so I don't need to.
  • Allow organisers to specify the Paypal email address so I don't need to.
  • Allow users to select Mass eMail option with contact lists from one or more events , Not necessarily All events as some of the events may be related from a geography point of view etc. Also, to add email Id/s to contact list for cases where manual same day (of tournament) entries have been made for the event
  • For contact form emails put the senders email address into the message to avoid the organiser having to know they can reply to it.
  • Make the congress entry screen clearer - maybe one step to say who you are and a second to pick yourself from the grading list. Perhaps allow Tony to search for Anthony, Bill for William.
  • Free entry for IM or GM.
  • An organiser definable field asking for extra information. (eg London Junior unique qualification code )
  • Have a way to take the maximum of the FIDE and ECF ratings to decided section eligibility:
    Rating Type: Max, Rate of Play: Rapid, Rating Order: Max(fide_rapid,live_rapid), Max(fide,live_national)

Non-urgent issues

  • When upgrade to PHP 8 is done, Office gives errors for Reports in Excel format - solvable by upgrading php/office
  • Happens on each payment processed: Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in chr_curl_http_request() (line 243 of /home/popmalco/public_html/drupal-7.98/sites/all/modules/contrib/chr/chr.module).